Heaven Sent Services is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization committed to bringing services to homeless people. We rely heavily on volunteer support to make this happen.




Your donation means the world to someone who has absolutely nothing. It's more than a temporary solution, providing for these basic needs is a stepping stone to navigating these precious people back to permanent stability.

Become a part of the solution by donating now.

Please remember that anything you donate is tax deductible since we are officially recognized as a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

If you have any questions about your donation, please email heavensentservices702@gmail.com


These thoughtful, hand made sleeping mats with care packages attached, were donated to us to distribute to the homeless by a God send named Miss Jerry. This will be an ongoing donation from her. They were well received and much appreciated by the recipients. Thanks, and God bless you Miss Jerry!

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